MPD patient feedback You can leave your feedback below.Thanks for your time in doing this. It's very much appreciated and helps us to continue to improve over time.Which dentist did you see for your most recent Dental Health Check? —Please choose an option—Andy BerwickTom CalvertPaul VaughanWho have you seen for your appointment(s) today? (please tick all that apply) Andy Berwick (dentist)Tom Calvert (dentist)Paul Vaughan (dentist)David Marsden (hygienist-therapist)Sharon Sebborn (hygienist)How much do you agree with each of the following statements?1. I am always treated with kindness, respect and compassion strongly agreeagreeneitherdisagreestrongly disagree2. I can access dental care and treatment in a timely manner strongly agreeagreeneitherdisagreestrongly disagree3. I am confident that if I had any concerns or complaints that they would be listened to and responded to strongly agreeagreeneitherdisagreestrongly disagree4. The practice and its treatment rooms are always tidy, clean and welcoming strongly agreeagreeneitherdisagreestrongly disagree5. I feel I am given enough information to feel actively involved in making informed decisions about my dental treatment strongly agreeagreeneitherdisagreestrongly disagree6. I feel I am given enough support and information to confidently look after my own dental health and make healthy choices to maintain and/or improve my dental health strongly agreeagreeneitherdisagreestrongly disagree7. If somebody asked me for a recommendation for a dentist, I would recommend Market Place Dentistry strongly agreeagreeneitherdisagreestrongly disagreeYou can give your feedback anonymously, or you can leave your name and email address below. This would help us to follow up with you if there's anything you think we can improveOptional: Optional: Can we contact you about your feedback? —Please choose an option—yes, that's fineno, thanks If you think we do a great job and would like to thank us, the best way is to leave a Google review. Thanks again for your feedback.